With Type 4, When Do You Know To Give In To It And Stop Work, Or Is This A Daft Question?
Thanks for your reply Eric, so few of us about, I am lucky to be mobile but its catching up on me it's like determination and fitness are all we have to combat, hopefully get evidysil soon but not on meds as yet, its tough
@A mySMAteam Member Hang in there. The most important advice I wish I knew earlier is understand your local laws and programs for assisting individuals with disabilities. It really plays an outsized role in knowing how long you can be capable of working. Also remember, while you may eventually find yourself unable to work in a traditional manner, that does not stop you from creating , volunteering and contributing in your own way . Society tends to over emphasize work, but you are more than your job. Good luck .
There are many variables to your question.
1. Your physical ability to perform your job. This seems the most obvious but is the least straight forward. You may still be able to do job, just need modifications, perhaps shorter hours.
2. Your regional laws. If you need medical coverage or attendant care not covered by job, some regions like mine make it impossible to get such coverage if you work.
3. Is there a financial advantage to stopping working. Alternatively, can you afford to retire.
4. Does working negatively effect your health ?
5. How would retiring effect your mental health . It is often surprising how much people tie the work that they do to whom they are. Will retiring cause emotional distress?
6. Do you have a choice? Maybe you have been let go from a job, or are being pressured to leave . Retirement is not always a choice.
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